Case Studies

HEA provided A&D advisory to Soliton leading to the successful farmout and transfer of operatorship to Equinor of its Isolde prospect. Additionally, HEA has provided ongoing commercial support and advice including structuring and commercial aspects of NEO Energy joing the partnership.
Soliton Resources Ltd

Our team provided commercial and hydrocarbon sales and marketing advice in relation to Ithaca Energy's acquisition of a collection of UKCS assets from Chevron. HEA has also provides ongoing hydrocarbon sales and marketing advice as Ithaca's portfolio has evolved.
Ithaca Energy Plc

HEA provide ongoing hydrocarbon commercial operations support to Kistos as well as commercial and legal support to their asset portfolio. HEA ran the gas sales tender following Kistos Energy's acquisition of their Greater Laggan Area (GLA) assets from Total.
Kistos Plc

HEA provided assistance with the commercial operations aspects of the start-up of the Columbus field including commercial processes and training and continues to provide hydrocarbon sales and marketing advice to Waldorf Production on an ongoing basis.
Waldorf Production

HEA has worked with Odin to provide commercial, economic modelling and A&D support to Odin Energi as it seeks to develop its asset portfolio of exploration and near-term producing assets including with respect to its licences in Eastern Europe and the Middle East.
Odin Energi

HEA provided a multi-disciplinary study for a client looking at potential countries/basins that fit their international expansion strategy. The analysis incuded above and below-ground risks and rankings of over 50 areas providing a framework to focus in a small number of countries of interest.

Our team provided a review of NEO's hydrocarbon sales agreements following the acquisition of JX Nippon's UK assets. This included analysis of 80+ offtake agreements and providing advice on optimisation going forward to maximise value.
NEO Energy

The HEA team provided commercial and legal advice alongisde Impact Oil and Gas's other advisors into transaction documentation and structuring related to assets in licences located in the client's portfolio in Africa.
Impact Oil and Gas

HEA ran a competitive gas tender for Dana Petroleum's Tolmount and Babbage fields as well as providing ongoing commercial support services including gas sales audit, entry capacity optimisation and risk management for their SNS gas assets.
Dana Petroleum